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Psychoneuroimmunology por Mind Map: Psychoneuroimmunology

1. Advantages

1.1. Cost

1.2. Can potentially treat physical ailments without the use of pharmaceuticals.

2. Potential Value to a Business Psychologist

2.1. Treating mental health issues may help treat underlying physical ailments

3. What I have learned

4. What is it?

4.1. The study of the interaction of psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body

5. Current and potential issues

5.1. Difficult to accurately measure

5.2. Covered by health insurance?

6. Research

6.1. Cannon

6.2. Bernard

6.3. Selye

6.4. Ader

6.5. Cohen

6.6. Felten

6.7. Pert

7. Disadvantages

7.1. Mental abuse could be used as a weapon to make someone physically ill.

7.2. People may be less likely to admit they have a mental health issue.

7.2.1. seen as a weakness

7.2.2. religious views

7.3. Perhaps not as trusted as pharmaceutical treatments