Marilyn Guaman

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Marilyn Guaman por Mind Map: Marilyn Guaman

1. Majors

1.1. Pre-Med Track

1.1.1. Neuroscience

1.1.2. Psychology

2. Selfcare

2.1. Going to the gym

2.2. Face masks

2.3. de-stressing with my dog

2.4. yoga

3. Internships

3.1. Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory Synthesis Programs

3.2. Undergraduate Summer Research Internship Program In Biological And Biomedical Sciences

3.3. Camp counselor at Camp Ramp

4. Study Abroad

4.1. Italy

4.2. England

5. Extra-curricular Activities

5.1. The Gastronomy Club

5.2. Psychology Club

5.3. Neuroscience club at Queens College

5.4. The Creative writing Club

5.5. Track Team in Queens College

6. Scholarships

6.1. Gillmans Award

6.2. The Point Foundation Scholarship

7. Minors

7.1. Biology

7.2. English

7.3. Italian

8. Outside Interests

8.1. Baking

8.2. Creating homemade decorations

8.3. Reading

8.4. Writing short stories

8.5. Learning about WW2

9. Research

9.1. Undergraduate Cancer Research

9.2. Neuroscience/Psychology Research

10. Volunteer

10.1. Macaulay Honors College Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter

10.2. PAWs: Walking dogs

10.3. Volunteering in Senior Citizen homes

11. Honors Track

11.1. Honors Track in Humanities

11.1.1. HTH 240. Modern Era

11.1.2. HTH 230. The Early Modern World