The Narcotic Farm

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The Narcotic Farm por Mind Map: The Narcotic Farm

1. The early 1970's ethics on testing on human subjects with harmful and dangerous drugs became more of a concern to people.

1.1. Trials Began agensted testing experiments on human subjects

1.2. What brought awareness was the incident in 1972. Tuskegee, Alabama where inmates where tested on and never treated for syphilis.(went on for 40 years before something was done)

2. Investegation on  medical resacher fusilities began after the truth about Tuskegee came.

2.1. The ARC was one of many that went under investegation. Many fommer residents from Lexingtion where called to testifie agensted the ARC.

2.2. Most of the people testifying didn't relies that there was wrong begin done to them. They where addicts they, they would say yes to anything that would help them get a high.

2.3. Made the ARC seem like all the other CIA programs. Even though most of the ARC tests where more for understanding what is addiction. ARC had a lot of criticism.

3. In 1975 The Narcotic Farm closed

3.1. The studdies there helped give us insight on the efects of a lot of major drugs.

3.2. The idea of the rehabilitation part of Lexington didn't work. But it opened the ability and need for more community help with addicts.

3.3. 90% of the relased patenites went right back to useing drugs

4. Operated as a government-funded prison, rehabilitative center, and research center for adicts

4.1. They wanted to understand how addiction worked physically, mentally and emotionally

4.2. To learn about the how/why drug addiction starts and why its so controaling

4.3. Wanted to rehabilitate addicts as well as find cures for addictions

5. Opened its doors in 1935 at Lexington, Kentucky

6. Addictioin Reaserch Center

6.1. Operated from 1948 till 1976

6.2. They would get volunteer inmates and residents to participate in experiments

7. The experiments consist of giving the subjects drugs, studding the differences from before and after.

7.1. Once they spent a few weeks constantly high the Doctors than would induce a withdraw on the subject to study the effects on their mind and body.

7.2. Payment was ither time droped on their stay or some drug of their chose. Which they could put in a "bank" and pull deposties out when ever they wanted. Most chose the drugs

8. The ARC became interested in the effects of LSD. Could it be similar to some mental disorders with the chemical reactions? (started in the late 50"s early 60's)

8.1. Along with that came a huge amount of funding from the CIA. To see if they could use it as a weapon during the Cold War. The ARC wasn't the only one the CIA recruited to do LSD experiments.