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Abortion por Mind Map: Abortion

1. Make abortion Illegal

1.1. If made illegal it will stop innocent lives from being taken

1.2. The rate of abortions will go down

1.3. Stop Abortion before it gets out of hand

2. Abortion is murder

2.1. abortion is killing innocent lives

2.2. before innocent lives are taken they are considered human beings and they have a right to live

2.3. Fetuses feel pain during the abortion procedure.

3. Abortion should be illegal

3.1. Abortion is wrong and should be stoped

3.2. The rates of abortion is highj

3.3. innocent lives are being taken before they even enter the world

4. Abortion should be illegal

4.1. stop people from killing innocent lives

4.2. drop the rates of abortion

4.3. Make abortion Illegal