Development Environments

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Development Environments por Mind Map: Development Environments

1. Tools

1.1. VCS

1.1.1. Git SourceTree GitHub Bitbucket Gitlab

1.1.2. SVN


1.3. Photoshop

1.4. Phonegap

1.5. Multiple browsers

1.6. jQuery plugins

1.6.1. matchHeight

1.6.2. Own carousel

1.6.3. Sticky-kit

1.7. JavaScript frameworks

1.7.1. Vue

1.7.2. React

1.7.3. Angular

1.7.4. Node Express

1.7.5. Backbone

1.7.6. D3.JS

1.7.7. Ember

1.7.8. lodash.js

1.7.9. jQuery

1.7.10. ∞

1.8. Postman

1.9. Dreamspark

1.10. SourceTree

1.11. Coda

1.12. Trello

1.13. SCRUM

1.13.1. Scrumdesk

1.14. Google

1.15. Fidler

1.16. PHPmyadmin

1.17. IDEs

1.17.1. Netbeans

1.17.2. Sublime text

1.17.3. Brackets

1.17.4. Atom

1.17.5. Notepad++

1.17.6. Emacs

1.17.7. Ruby Mine

1.17.8. Vim

1.17.9. Vi

1.17.10. Visual studio Web compiler Web essentials

1.17.11. IntelliJ

1.17.12. Webstorm

1.18. FTP clients

1.18.1. Winscp

1.18.2. Filezilla

1.18.3. Cyberduck

1.19. ImageProcessor.Web

1.20. Jasmin

1.21. Adobe Kuler

1.22. Cucumber

1.23. Google Analytics

1.24. Google Fonts

1.25. Angular

1.26. OpenGraph

1.27. GIMP

1.28. Task Runners

1.28.1. Gulp

1.28.2. Grunt

1.28.3. WebPack

1.29. Bootstrap

1.30. Foundation

1.31. Sematic UI

1.32. Debugger

1.33. Google Charts

1.34. Auto Correct

1.35. Svn Tortuise

2. Personal Skills

2.1. Searching Stack Overflow

2.2. Logical thinking

2.3. A small sense of what is pretty

2.4. Problem solving

2.5. Thinking differently from yourself

2.6. An interest in one's field

2.7. A better than average knowledge of how to work with a computer

2.8. Development Methods

2.8.1. Agile Scrum Extreme Programming

2.8.2. Plan Driven Home Waterfall

2.8.3. Charts Diagrams FlowCharts

2.9. Indentation

2.10. Learning abbreviations

2.11. Team Work

2.12. Communication

2.13. English

2.14. Time management

2.15. Coding

3. Languages

3.1. PHP

3.1.1. Laravel

3.1.2. CodeIgniter

3.2. ECMAScript

3.2.1. TypeScript

3.2.2. CoffeeScript

3.2.3. JavaScript

3.2.4. ES6

3.3. Ruby

3.3.1. Ruby on rails

3.4. Python

3.5. Razor

3.6. Sql

3.6.1. MySQL

3.6.2. SQLite

3.6.3. PostgreSQL

3.6.4. MsSQL

3.7. CSS

3.7.1. PostCSS

3.7.2. Less

3.7.3. SASS/SCSS

3.8. HTML

3.8.1. HAML

3.8.2. Pug/Jade

3.9. C#

3.10. Java

3.10.1. JSP

3.10.2. JSTL

3.10.3. Expression Language

3.10.4. JPA

3.11. Perl

3.12. NoSQL

3.12.1. MongoDB

3.13. C++

3.14. Erlang

3.15. XML

3.16. JSON

3.17. ASP.NET

3.18. XML

3.19. CSV

3.20. Apache Hadoop

4. Platforms

4.1. Smartphones

4.2. Tablets

4.3. Phablets

4.4. Ultrawide

4.5. POS systems

4.6. Gaming console

4.7. Tv

4.8. PC

4.9. OWIN

4.10. ASP.NET

4.11. Django

4.12. Flask

4.13. Ruby on Rails

4.14. Node.js

4.15. Laravel

4.16. MEAN-stacks

4.16.1. Meteor

4.17. Project Atomic

5. Web Content Management Systems

5.1. Drupal

5.2. WordPress

5.3. Symfony

5.4. Joomla

5.5. Umbraco CMS

5.5.1. Archetype

5.6. DynamicWEB

5.7. Craft

5.8. Joomla

5.9. CushyCMS

5.10. Concrete5

5.11. Typo3

5.12. Magento

5.13. Mambo

6. Concepts

6.1. SPA

6.2. SOAP

6.3. RESTful

6.4. User interface design

6.5. Abstraction

6.6. MVC and its spawn

6.7. AJAX

6.8. SPA

6.9. CRUD

6.10. OOP

6.11. TDD

6.12. BDD

6.13. Accessibility

6.14. Internationalization (I18N)

6.15. Localization (L10N)

6.16. UI/UX/IA design

6.17. Design Patterns