BrandCenter Product Design

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BrandCenter Product Design por Mind Map: BrandCenter Product Design

1. Understand functionality of each module

2. Review all the platforms in detail

2.1. HP

2.2. TD

2.3. etc

3. Pragathi and UX

4. Detailed product documentation

4.1. PRD Format

5. Go from product documentation to screens

6. Design the shell first

7. Thinking through detailed functionality

7.1. Playbook

7.2. Portal

7.3. LIbrary

7.4. Collaborate

7.5. Activate

7.6. Architecture

7.7. List of all applications

7.7.1. HP

7.7.2. GAP

7.7.3. Credendo

7.7.4. GM

7.7.5. TD

7.7.6. etc