Wikis in TEFL

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Wikis in TEFL por Mind Map: Wikis in TEFL

1. Obstacles

1.1. Unfamiliarity with the new tool

1.2. One possible solution is to give students the option of using pseudonyms instead of real names in peer review s to ensure anonym

2. Benefits

2.1. d immediate online responses from the instructor

2.2. , lessons learned from the grammatic al mistakes of othe

2.3. Less authoritative peer review  in comparison with teachers'

3. It is important to  provide relevant feedback  with  appropriate phraseology.

4. allow a range of users to log in at the same time

5. a socio- cultural research design with sophomores students in taiwan

6. Ejemplos:

7. Editing Functions = Track changes

8. Useful for peer feedback

9. contributing to a Wiki webpage is an activity with social implications