Two Way Dual Language

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Two Way Dual Language por Mind Map: Two Way Dual Language

1. Structure and Goal

2. Program entry/exit

3. The strong foundation will aide them in reading, writing, listening, and speaking as the courses become more difficult

4. Entry: PHLOTES, then after parental approval, students will be tested with the AZELLA

5. Students will be placed with instructors based on their primary languages

6. Length of time to give these students is 6-12 years. There is not exit because there is always more to advance in both languages. Students life situations will determine exit.

7. Our goal is to set the child is up for success

8. We want to offer classes that best fit their needs

9. Setting connections and bringing their cultural backgrounds is a priority

10. We want to emphase the use of LOTS, HOTS, and Cummins Quadrants to gradually get the Childs proficientcy stronger

11. Qualifications of Principal and Instructors

12. Parent Involvment

13. Long term Development

14. Masters

15. Bilingual certifcation

16. Not only know matter but embrace the importance of affective delivery strategies and setting strong bonds with the students

17. Goes beyond classroom expectations

18. sets a healthy and safe, comfortable environment

19. Continuesous balance of educational  learning through both languages

20. Cultural events

21. contacting and informing parents

22. consistant parent teacher conferences

23. Keeping the parents informed of homework, responsibilites , and progress

24. Encourage parents to use both languages at home