Skyrim: Class Archetypes

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Skyrim: Class Archetypes por Mind Map: Skyrim: Class Archetypes

1. Combat Archer

1.1. Typical warrior with archery and other minor thief skills for combat.

2. Mage

2.1. Class using exclusively spells and enchanting from the mage trees.

3. Warrior

3.1. Purely uses combat skills and smithing, without any other input from other skills.

4. Battlemage

4.1. Build with equal emphasis on magical spells from a smaller amount of schools with a weapon and armour.

5. Arcane Warrior

5.1. Warrior that uses spells to dispatch of his foes, heal himself, improve armour or other defensive reasons.

6. Heavymage

6.1. Fights like a mage, but uses armour and/or smithing to craft it.

7. Thief

7.1. Most of its abilities lack combat prowess, but are useful for more miscallaneous situations. Exclusively those in the thief perk trees

8. Nightblade

8.1. Uses magic stealthily, with a near equal focus between stealth and magic to dispatch a variety of foes.

9. Assassin

9.1. Thief that also uses a small amount of combat skills in a stealthy matter.

10. Ranger

10.1. Has a near equlibrium of combat skills and thief abilities, and uses either one depending on the situation at hand.

11. Charmer

11.1. Charms with spells and incantations, but also with words. Fights like a mage but uses some non-combat oriented thief skills.

12. Tactical Rogue

12.1. Plays like a thief, but uses mage skills when in difficult situations.