Obstacles to total power

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Obstacles to total power por Mind Map: Obstacles to total power

1. Threats within the party

1.1. Rohm and the SA

1.1.1. Night of the Long Knives No more SA

1.1.2. Rohm was murdered

2. Secure Position

2.1. von Papen and Hindenburg wanted to use him like a puppet

2.1.1. Hindenburg dies

2.1.2. von Papen resigns

2.2. Hindenburg could sack him

2.2.1. Became Fuhrer

2.2.2. Hindenburg died

2.3. Frequency of previous elections

2.3.1. Opposition was banned so no more elections

3. Loyalty of Army

3.1. Hindenburg has control

3.1.1. Hindenburg's death and the army oath

3.2. Rivalry with SA

3.2.1. Night of the Long Knives

3.2.2. SA were absorbed into SS and army

4. Political opposition

4.1. Existence of alternate political parties

4.1.1. Reichstag fire led to defamation and execution of Communists

4.2. Support for Nazis was dropping (37 - 33%)

4.2.1. Opposition was banned

4.2.2. Nazi Party = only party in Germany

5. Initiate and pass Nazi laws

5.1. Only 3 Nazis in Cabinet

5.1.1. Enabling Act allowed him to pass laws without consultation.

5.2. Only 33% of seats in Reichstag

5.2.1. General Election in 1933 got Nazis majority in Reichstag.