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Guy de Maupassant por Mind Map: Guy de Maupassant

1. Death

1.1. died a year later after attempted suicide

1.2. he was submitted to a mental hospital before dying

1.3. died a month before birthday

2. Stories

2.1. La Maison Tellier

2.2. La Mere Sauvage

2.3. The Necklace

3. France

3.1. He was born in France

3.2. Fought in the France-Prussian war

3.3. Featured in French newspaper

4. Early Life

4.1. elder of two children

4.2. his parents' marriage did not succeed

4.3. he went le harve

5. Work/Career

5.1. He was a poet and writer also a soldier

5.2. the war insprired alot of his works

5.3. some of the works were inspired by france's situation

6. Illness

6.1. he attempted suicide

6.2. syphilis

6.3. abnormal pyschology