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Poststructuralism por Mind Map: Poststructuralism

1. Anti-foundationalism

1.1. No absolute knowledge

1.1.1. It is

1.2. Its all about representation

1.3. Only perspectives, not abstraction

1.4. Meaning is never fixed

1.5. Rejection of reason as a dogmatic representation

1.6. More than one possibilities

1.7. Knowledge is power

2. Visual imaginary

2.1. Creates, promotes an specific perception

2.2. Discourse formation

2.3. Representation from the point of view of the photographer

2.4. We know things as they are presented in the media

2.5. Within the discourse somethings are discriminated and excluded

2.6. Reduction of reality to a single image

3. Totalizing narratives as normal and natural

3.1. Contextualized

3.2. Aspiration to be a hegemonic narrative

3.3. Nothing is fixed, natural or timeless

4. Ethical and political purpose

4.1. Things can be different

4.2. Repolicizing the dominant

5. Postmodernism

5.1. Cultural forms inspired by the conditions of accelerated time and space and hyper.consumerism in the globalized era.

5.1.1. Po

5.2. Poststructuralism is an interpretative analysis of postmodernism.

6. Power

6.1. Repressive and productive because of the imposition of limits and constraint

6.2. A thing is by knowing what it is not

6.3. Disciplinary power: discipline to produce

7. Marginal sites

7.1. Where certainty ends

7.2. Place where contradictions and hegemonic practices are disturbed

7.3. Sites of struggle

7.3.1. Identity is never sure

7.3.2. Meaning is in doubt

7.3.3. Process of building

7.3.4. Potential with the lack of fixity

7.4. To know something is to construct a coherent representation of it

7.5. Against modern forms of knowledge

8. Can we know different?

8.1. Create voids, spaces, exile of certainty and truth

8.2. Versus an order of truth

8.3. Question binary constructs

8.4. Theory as practice

8.5. Permanent critique

9. Purpose

9.1. Alienate language, discourses

9.2. Dismantle fixed oppositions

9.3. Challenge positivist approach

9.4. Disturbs ways of thinking

10. Metatheory

10.1. Ontology: reality has no ontological status

10.2. Epistemology: reject positivism

10.3. Methodology: expresses deep attachments on behalf of those who advocate them.

11. Textualization

11.1. As you talk about it, you build it

11.2. Creation of fixity of meaning as hegemonic practices

11.3. Deconstruct meanings

11.4. Who legitimates?

12. Understading

12.1. Abstraction

12.2. Representation

12.3. Interpretation