Nutritionist/ dietician for the VA

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Nutritionist/ dietician for the VA por Mind Map: Nutritionist/ dietician for the VA

1. How will a fruitfull career such as this better your life as well as others?

1.1. Sucess storys

1.1.1. Social media sites.

1.2. salary and job growth potential


2. Why did you choose this career?

2.1. Experiences in my past.

2.2. Reasons i believe ill succeed at this.

2.2.1. Provide examples

3. What are the educational requirements to fulfill this position?

3.1. Check the VA site for the job listing

3.1.1. VA website

3.2. Info from the Commission on Dietetic Registration regarding a license to practice.

3.2.1. Commission on Dietetic registration site.

4. What are the duties of this career?

4.1. What a day in the life of a Nutritionist consists of.

4.1.1. Youtube or even contacting a practicing Nutritionist.

4.2. Any possible additional skills or traits needed