Historical Fiction IDU Research and Planning Document

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Historical Fiction IDU Research and Planning Document por Mind Map: Historical Fiction IDU Research and Planning Document

1. The Environment

1.1. Occupations

1.1.1. The main characters role in the society is to fight and to protect

1.2. My sister is my only relative-she is 10, and my wife is 17

1.3. landscape of Glogow

1.3.1. What is the environment like? Battlefield - The battlefield was surrounded by many trees and the ground wasnt muddy, the battlefield was grassy. the grass was very tall. The battlefield was hilly. Its sunny but its still cold The building in the middle ages in Poland were mainly build out of bricks. The houses weren't tall, but churches and town halls were big.

1.4. How are people living?

1.4.1. They had fire places to heat their houses.

1.4.2. Food The fighters were provided food because they were very important to the king. they had a lot of different kind of soup because it was a cold place, they also ate meat and vegetables also.

1.5. The polish people were christians they would go to churches. My character was also christian during the battle he coudnt go to churches but he would still pray to god.

1.6. People would travel by walking

1.7. The polish army used the guerilla tactic to defend against the holy roman empires army. the holy roman empire layed a siege on Glogow.

1.7.1. ''The guerilla warfare tactic was a tactic used when they were outnumbered, it was a irregular way of fighting.''

2. Characters

2.1. main character - defender - he is part of the polish army. Name Alfred-18

2.2. Other characters : Soldiers ,Sister and Wife

3. What year is the story set in?

3.1. 1109

4. Assessment Criteria

5. Skills Audit: What can you do on MindMeister?

5.1. Add links

5.1.1. to the sources that you use

5.2. Add images

5.2.1. of what your character may be wearing

5.3. Add videos

5.3.1. Are there any useful videos that describe or try to recreate the environment you will be discussing?

5.4. Add notes

5.5. Add attachments

5.6. Add tasks

5.7. Change the alignment of the map

6. Skills Audit: Google Document Skills

6.1. Share a document

6.2. Word Counts

6.2.1. Find the word count for a whole document

6.2.2. Find the word count for a section of a document

7. Story timeline / plot

7.1. The story is happening from 15th of September till the 17th of September 1109

8. The 'big picture' for your Historical Fiction

8.1. Battle of Głogów

8.1.1. the reason why the battle started

9. Geographical location

9.1. Głogów

9.2. http://maps.maphill.com/poland/dolnoslaskie/glogow/maps/silver-style-map/free-silver-style-map-of-glogow.jpg

10. Correct use of terminology

10.1. Terminology in dialogue

10.1.1. Are you showing the necessary respect within a conversation

10.2. Are you calling things/roles/people by the correct term?

10.2.1. Can you list 12 terms that should be in your piece of historical fiction?