Jordan: Musician/Dental Hygienist

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Jordan: Musician/Dental Hygienist por Mind Map: Jordan: Musician/Dental Hygienist

1. EFSP: -loves the spotlight, so when I become a musician on stage - Entertainer because I entertain others with my music - solves challenging problems, for example cleaning others teeth

2. Tactile: - Hands on learner because I play instruments and use tools to clean others teeth with my hands

3. Values: Fun/Creativity: - Music helps me have fun and express my creativity. - So a job where i play music would bring my values into it

4. Skills: - writing songs helps me be a good musician - playing guitar can help with other problems such as math - playing sports keeps me active to keep working harder

5. Creator: - like to create songs/music - like to create good new teeth for others

6. Thinker: - I like to thing of new song ideas - I like to think how nice it would be if everyone had clean teeth

7. Colour Rating: Gold -Cars For others, like I will care for others teeth - Organized which means I will be organized with my dentist tools - Socializes with patients and fans of my music

8. Left Brain: -Organized-logical so I will get work done - Rational so I think before I do something big

9. Extrovert: Likes noise/action which is needed to write music - learns by doing, for example; playing guitar

10. Personal Interests: - Music helps me focus - Helping others (teeth) makes me feel better - playing sports keeps me active and alive