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Marianne por Mind Map: Marianne

1. Resources

1.1. St Joseph's Care Group - Drug And Alcohol Helpline (1800-565-8603)

1.2. Ontario works - Welfare

1.3. Yes employment- job opportunity

2. Potential references

2.1. Dilico Treatment Centre

2.2. Beendigen

2.3. Thunder bay Counselling Centre

2.4. Faye Peterson

2.5. Children Are Society of the District of Thunder Bay

2.6. Children's Center Thunder Bay

3. Strengths-based approach

3.1. Communiciate with the mother and her boyfriend

3.2. To get them to focus on health and safety

4. Barriers

4.1. Alcohol and Drugs

4.2. Her boyfriend, Sam.

4.3. Unemployment

4.4. Ignorance

4.5. Insecurity

5. Daughter-Sandra

5.1. 13 years old

6. Identifying characteristics

6.1. Woman

6.2. Mother

6.3. Substance user

6.4. Middle-aged

6.5. Alcohol user

6.6. Abuser?

7. Presenting problems

7.1. Children are often hungry, dirty, and tired

7.2. Sandra has violent outbursts

7.3. Constant fighting in household

7.4. Parties involving alcohol and illegal substances

7.5. Filthy, unorganized, apartment

7.6. Expired food

7.7. Marianne is unemployed

7.8. Signs of physical abuse on children

7.9. Leon and Brianna have noticeable development delays and are behind immunizations

8. Treatment Options

8.1. Medication

8.2. Counselling

8.3. Parenting Work shops