Enlightenment despots

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Enlightenment despots por Mind Map: Enlightenment despots

1. Joseph II

1.1. 1764-1790

1.2. Holy Roman Emperor

1.3. Modest reforms establishing secular schools in Austria

1.4. Banned torture

1.5. Eliminated heresy as a crime

1.6. Granted religious tolerance for Jews, Protestants, and orthodox Christians

1.7. Eliminated cruel punishment and death penalty

2. Leopold II

2.1. Holy Roman Emperor

2.2. 1765-1790

2.3. rationalized taxation an tariff systems

2.4. encouraged development of representative institutions

2.5. emancipated peasantry and granted religious liberty to non-Catholics

3. Frederick II

3.1. Frederick the Great

3.2. 1740-1786

3.3. Brought enlightenment to Prussia

3.4. hailed as a military genius after being involved in seven years war and Austrian succession

3.5. banned torture

3.6. Argued for a uniform national criminal code

3.7. Allowed freedom of press

3.8. Supported a moderate level of religious freedom

3.9. Kept in frequent contact with Voltaire

4. Catherine II

4.1. Catherine the Great

4.2. 1762-1796

4.3. Reformed the Russian legal system

4.3.1. Instituted the "instruction" Granted equal protection under law to all citizens Emphasized prevention of criminal acts rather than imposition of harsh punishment