Enlightenment Ideals Spread

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Enlightenment Ideals Spread por Mind Map: Enlightenment Ideals Spread

1. Implementation of Ideals

1.1. Enlightenment began to show itself in art instead of literature (famous pieces by Baroque)

1.2. Architects developed the rococo style which moved further from religion and more towards charming and elegant subjects.

1.3. Sprouted in music and inspired composers like Bach and Frederic Handel

2. The Novel

2.1. Literature began appealing to middle class readers who enjoyed straight forward stories about their own time.


3. Enlightenment Despots

3.1. Frederick II (Frederick the Great) was "the first servant of the state"

3.2. Catherine the Great began entirely implementing the enlightenment into her political actions

4. Churches Response

4.1. Felt as though they needed to defend the old order (the divine-rights rule) that a heavenly reward was to come from earthly suffering.

4.2. CENCORSHIP: imprisoned and excommunicated writers and burned their books.

5. Enlightenments Defense

5.1. Writers, philosophers, and scientists all met together to share information and ideas in meetings called SALONS.

5.2. They fought against CENCORSHIP by disquising their work in the name of fiction writing.