European Revolution of 1848

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European Revolution of 1848 por Mind Map: European Revolution of 1848

1. France

1.1. major point of revolution's origin

1.2. Under rule of monarch Louis Phillipe

1.3. Paris

1.3.1. protests

1.3.2. individuals attacked soldiers

1.3.3. News of the protests quickly spread through use of the telegraph

1.3.4. more Parisian than French, they were orchestrated by a radical

2. Hungary

2.1. Magyars formed the most numerous ethnic groups in the Hungarian kingdom

2.1.1. liberty of press

2.1.2. responsible ministry

2.1.3. Annual diet at Pesth

2.1.4. Equality

2.1.5. national guard

2.1.6. equal distribution of taxes

2.1.7. no territorial laws

2.1.8. trial by jury

2.1.9. national bank

2.1.10. constitutional amy

2.1.11. general amnesty

2.1.12. union of Transylvania with Hungary

3. Berlin

3.1. Capital of the Prussian kingdom

3.1.1. Street fighting

3.1.2. King with drew soldiers o decrease casualties

3.2. King Frederick William

3.3. Attempted to promote distinct existence for their nationality

4. Background

4.1. Poor grain harvest

4.2. rising food price

4.3. major increase in unemployment

4.4. radical political attitudes

4.5. Revolutions lasting 1848-1849

5. Italian States

5.1. Mid-March civil unrest in Vienna

5.2. March 22, Venetian Republic was re-established.

5.2.1. Austrian military withdrawls

5.3. Nov, radicals use decisiveness to sway politics