Friday Night Lights

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Friday Night Lights por Mind Map: Friday Night Lights

1. Character

1.1. Smash/Boobie

1.1.1. {Smash injures his knee in the playoffs and is not able to play}{Boobie hurt his knee Pg# 56 "you might be out six, 8 weeks."}

1.2. Matt/Mike

1.2.1. Matt was the quarterback after Jason paralyzed himself and nobody thought he could do the job but he was ale to persevere and prove everyone wrong. Mike was the quarterback in the book but he wasn't talked about as much as Matt.

2. Theme

2.1. Racism

2.1.1. {Smash would always have to deal with racism with Tim Riggins}{There was a lot of racism in the book. pg#91 "White person and any negro to have sexual intercourse with each other within the corporate limits of the city"} Some things were made illegal because of black and white people.

2.2. American Dream

2.2.1. The american dream for smash ment steroids he tried anything to get bigger and better. Boobie thought his american dream was over when he injured his knee

3. Setting

3.1. School

3.1.1. All of the football games were held at permian high school in the book. in the show all the games were held at dillion high school

3.2. Town

3.2.1. The town shuts everything down to go watch the the high school football game every Friday