Globalization 3.0

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Globalization 3.0 por Mind Map: Globalization 3.0

1. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

1.1. Opened the floodgates for cheap labor.

2. Insourcing

2.1. Call Centers

2.2. UPS Doing companies Logistics

3. Steriods

3.1. Smart Phones

3.2. Take Business home now.

4. Outsourcing

4.1. Military

4.2. Mcsourcing

4.3. Homesourcing

4.4. Call centers

5. Offshoring

5.1. Production

5.2. it Services

5.3. Innovation

6. Informing

6.1. Google.

6.2. Wikipedia

7. Work Flow Software

7.1. All software works together.

8. Supply Chaining

8.1. WalMart

9. Internet

9.1. The world is connected.

9.2. Made the world smaller.

10. Uploading

10.1. Monorail cat

10.2. Youtube

10.3. Facebook

10.4. Wikipedia