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Identifying Me por Mind Map: Identifying Me

1. Activity 1: All About Me

1.1. Instructions: 1. Fold a piece of construction paper in half. 2. Have the children trace their hand and then help them cut out the traced hand (do not cut the folded side). 3. When done, the hand print should open like a book, let the children write their names on the front and decorate the book with their finger prints. 4. On the inside, write the date of the art work, the child's name, age, height, weight as well as their birthday. Technique: Finger printing Art Form: The end product will be a two page handprint "book" that tells the children about themselves. Medium: Watercolour Paint on paper Element: Colours, shapes

2. Activity 3: Life Cycle of a Frog

2.1. Instructions: 1. Children will each be given a chunk of clay 2. Explain to the children the life cycle of frogs consists of the egg, the tapole, froglet and frog. 3. Using the clay, we can clearly depict the life cycle of a frog by moulding the clay into the respective cycles. Technique: Clay Art form: The end product will be a 3D life cycle of a frog made out of clay. Medium: Clay Element: Lines, shapes

3. Activity 2: Me in the Future

3.1. Instructions: 1. Each child will be given a piece of A4 paper. 2. Children can draw out what they think they will look like in the future on a piece of A4 paper. 3. After which, they will use bubble painting to add effect to their drawing of themselves in the future. Technique: Bubble painting Art Form: The end product would be the outline of what the child thinks he/she would look like in the future. Medium: Bubble painting on paper Element: Lines, shapes and colours

4. Activity 4: Our age and numbers

4.1. Instructions: 1. Children will each be given an A4 paper and split up into 3 groups of 4 2. Children will mix colours and shaving cream together to get their desired colours before placing the number templates on the A4 paper and dipping the paper into the shaving cream product. Technique: Shaving cream Art form: The end product would be different numbers that signify age on the piece of A4 paper Medium: acrylic paint on paper Element: Lines, shapes and colours