Educational Technology

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Educational Technology por Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. Applications

1.1. Android

1.2. Apple

1.3. The Internet

2. Tools

2.1. Tablets

2.2. Computers

2.3. Cell Phones

2.4. Smartboards

3. Robotics

3.1. Lego Mindstorms

3.2. Arduino

3.3. Raspberry Pi

4. Social Media

4.1. Forums

4.2. YouTube

4.3. Facebook

4.4. Twitter

5. Programming

5.1. Coding

5.1.1. Unity

5.1.2. Python

5.1.3. HTML

6. Gaming

6.1. Gamification

6.2. Board Games

6.3. Video Games

6.4. Mobile Applications

7. Assistive Technology

7.1. Hearing Aids

7.2. Computers

7.3. Voice to Speech