Mann-Mibs Sociogram

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Mann-Mibs Sociogram por Mind Map: Mann-Mibs Sociogram

1. Grandpa

1.1. He is her dads father

1.2. His savvy is earthquakes

1.3. when he hers the radio he thanks of his wife.

2. Will Junior

2.1. He is not apart of Mibs' family

2.2. He does not have a savvy

2.3. He helps alot with Mibs' birthday party

3. Momma

3.1. In Mibs' eyes she is perfect

3.2. Her savvy is being fast

3.3. She is Mibs' mother

4. Miss Rosemary

4.1. She is the pastor's wife

4.2. she does not have a savvy

4.3. She is the host for Mibs' party

5. Samson

5.1. His savvy is to calm people down.

5.2. He is just a young kid who needs supervision and can manage to get into trouble.

5.3. He is just Mibs' friend

6. Gypsy

6.1. She is apart of mibs' family

6.2. She is younger than Mibs'

6.3. Her savvy is a humdinger.

7. Bobbie meeks

7.1. She is a jerk

7.2. She has a religous family

7.3. she is a few years younger than Mibs'

8. Lester

8.1. He helps take Mibs' and the rest of the kids to Silina

8.2. He doesn't have a savvy

8.3. He has a crush on Lill

9. Lill

9.1. She worked at the Diner

9.2. She also help Mibs' and the rest of kids get to Silina

9.3. She got all the kids and Lester something eatable and something to were.

10. Rocket

10.1. He is Mibs' brother

10.2. His Savvy is conducting electricty

10.3. He is the oldest kid in the family

11. Fish

11.1. His savvy is to control storms

11.2. he is older than her

11.3. He is Mibs' brother