Fitzgibbons - Mibs Sociogram

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Fitzgibbons - Mibs Sociogram por Mind Map: Fitzgibbons - Mibs Sociogram

1. Rocket

1.1. He is Mibs' brother

1.2. His savvy is conducting electricity

1.3. He is the oldest kid in the family, 17 years old.

2. Fish

2.1. He is Mibs' brother

2.2. His savvy is creating storms

2.3. He is older than Mibs by one year.

3. Samson

3.1. He is Mibs' brother

3.2. He doesn't have a savvy yet because he is too young

3.3. He is the Mibs' youngest brother, 7 years old.

4. Gypsy

4.1. She is Mibs' sister

4.2. She doesn't have a savvy yet because she is too young

4.3. She is the youngest in the family, 3 years old.

5. Bobbi Meeks

5.1. She is Pastor Meeks' daughter

5.2. She does not have a savvy because she isn't in the family

5.3. She has a tattoo of an angel with a devil tail

6. Poppa

6.1. He is Mibs' father

6.2. He does not have a savvy because he married into the family

6.3. He has been hospitalized in Salina

7. Momma

7.1. She is Mibs' mother

7.2. Her savvy is perfection

7.3. She visited her husband in Salina with Rocket

8. Grandpa

8.1. He is Mibs' grandfather

8.2. His savvy is to stretch the land.

8.3. He created the land they live on today

9. Will Junior

9.1. He is Pastor Meeks' son

9.2. He does not have a savvy because he is not in the family

9.3. He is the same age as Mibs

10. Miss Rosemary

10.1. She is Pastor Meeks' wife

10.2. She doesn't have a savvy because she isn't related to the family

10.3. She throws Mibs a birthday party at the church

11. Lill

11.1. Lill was found on the side of the road

11.2. She does not have a savvy

11.3. She is an old, wise lady

12. Lester

12.1. Bus driver for delivering Bibles

12.2. He does not have a savvy

12.3. He is the driver for the kids