Optical Data Storage Systems

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Optical Data Storage Systems por Mind Map: Optical Data Storage Systems

1. What are the parts of an optical storage system?

1.1. It consists of a drive and storage media used in that drive.

2. What do the extra letters after DVD,CD,BD mean?

2.1. It helps recognize how you can use the disc.

3. What is the main difference between CD, DVD, and BD?

3.1. The amount of data each disc can store

3.2. CD: 700MB; DVD: 4.7GB; BD: 25GB

4. How does an optical drive work

4.1. optical drives contain a spindle that rotates the disc over a laser lens

5. Can I use a CD, DVD, or BD drive instead of a hard drive?

5.1. No

5.2. No. A rewritable CD, DVD, or BD drive is a fine addition though.