DT Major Project Thinking

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DT Major Project Thinking por Mind Map: DT Major Project Thinking

1. Outdoors

1.1. Community

1.2. Travel

1.3. Privacy

1.4. Self exploration

2. Environment

2.1. Waste and pollution

2.2. Preservation and protection

2.3. Deforestation

3. Travel

3.1. Preparation

3.2. Luggage

3.3. Safe travel

4. Children

4.1. Play

4.2. Safety

4.3. Education

4.4. Development

5. Technology

5.1. Wearable

5.2. Accessories

5.3. Haptic Technology

5.4. Virtual Environment

6. Learning

6.1. Safe learning environment

6.2. Acquiring Knowledge

6.3. Engagement

6.4. Academic excellence

7. Sport

7.1. Football

7.2. Rugby

7.3. Basketball

7.4. Table Tennis

7.5. Hockey

7.6. Tennis

7.7. Horse Riding

8. Lifestyle

8.1. Social

8.2. Professional

8.3. Private time

8.4. Self-Investment

8.5. Health