Technology- “technikos” & “ology”

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Technology- “technikos” & “ology” por Mind Map: Technology- “technikos” & “ology”

1. Types of technology

1.1. Information Technology

1.2. Assistive technology

1.3. Medical technology

1.4. Technology productive tools

1.5. Instructional technology

2. My thoughts

2.1. In my thought the technology is the process which converts manual work to automatic.

2.2. We can call it as a technology which makes human work easy and makes them stress free. It may be device, tools, machine etc.

3. Watch Example 1

3.1. Technology Example

4. Definition

4.1. As said by David Wood, "Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications, whether in industry or in our everyday lives. So, basically, whenever we use our scientific knowledge to achieve some specific purpose, we're using technology."

4.2. In Vikram Karve's point of view, Technology can be defined as the knowledge of the manipulation of nature for human purposes.

5. Watch Example 2

5.1. Technology Example

6. References

6.1. 1. What is technology by David Wood-

6.2. 2. Vikram Karves Definition(2009)-

6.3. 3. Star Citizen, 2015, Squadron 42: Facial Animation Technology-

6.4. 4. Avishala, 2008, Squadron 42: Kind of technology-

6.5. 5. Gordon Graham, 2015, What is technology?-