Communities I Identify

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Communities I Identify por Mind Map: Communities I Identify

1. St. Peter Catholic School

1.1. loved working with special needs kids

1.2. swimming lessons and leadership courses

1.3. Soccer Team

2. Holy Cross Catholic Academy

2.1. Honour Roll all four years (Ontario Scholar)

2.1.1. Sciences/Math

2.1.2. Laptop Program

2.1.3. Got accepted into Direct Entry Concurrent Program and Biology at York University and University of Toronto for Biology

2.1.4. Met my Boyfriend of 5 years in Grade 11

2.2. Swim Team

2.2.1. Anti bullying Club Youth Group

2.3. Costa Rica Trip with School

2.4. Italy Trip with Family (1 month)

3. Woodbridge Memorial Pool

3.1. 16 years old became a swim instructor and lifeguard- current

3.2. Summer AQUACAMP councillor for 2 years

4. Who AM I?

4.1. Planner/Organizer

4.2. loves to dance to spanish music

4.3. yoga lover

4.4. coffee addict

4.5. love to spend time with friends and try new actives

4.6. country girl

4.7. italian background

4.8. 1 younger brother named Nico

5. St. Peter Roman Catholic Church

5.1. Catholic Leadership Awards

5.2. Baptism, Communion, Confirmation

6. York University

6.1. 1st Year- Honours Biology and concurrent

6.2. 2nd Year- Changed Major to Honours Sociology and concurrent

6.2.1. Made my long life friends through the Faculty of Education

6.3. 3rd Year- Grade one placement at St. Michael the Archangel in Woodbridge

6.3.1. My First Cruise on the Norwegian Sky

6.3.2. taught my first social studies unit: Community Helpers

6.4. 4th year- Grade 5 PACE Placement at St. Gregory the Great in Woodbridge