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Year of Travel por Mind Map: Year of Travel

1. Countries

1.1. Objectives / achievements per country

1.1.1. Required gear

1.2. Activities

1.3. Budgets / expected expenditure

1.4. How much time to spend in "home" countries?

2. Volunteering



2.3. Look into single charity like Habitat for Humanity and speak to them about being serial volunteers in diff locations

3. Money Access

3.1. Limit Fees/charges

3.1.1. Look to Fintech for modern solution Monzo

3.2. Reward Programs

4. Schooling on the road

4.1. Education plan

4.1.1. Education goals

4.1.2. Writing

4.1.3. Literacy

4.1.4. Maths

4.1.5. Phys Ed

4.1.6. Science

4.1.7. Art

4.1.8. History

4.1.9. Culture / Sociology

4.1.10. Current events

4.2. Notify school and council

4.3. What's our story for plans after our return?

5. Europe Transport

5.1. Trains

5.2. Campervan

5.2.1. Fuel

5.2.2. Insurance

5.2.3. Tolls

5.2.4. Maintenance

5.2.5. Other gear

5.3. Car

5.3.1. Fuel

5.3.2. Insurance

5.3.3. Tolls

5.3.4. Maintenance

5.3.5. Other gear

5.3.6. Licences / Trip to US

5.4. Bicycles

6. Accomodation

6.1. Friends

6.2. Camping / Cabins

6.2.1. Equipment?

6.3. Air BNB

6.3.1. Ability to cook own meals

6.4. Hostels

6.4.1. Ability to cook own meals

6.4.2. Social aspect Geared toward family / midlife travellers

6.5. B&B type accom

6.6. Couchsurfing

6.7. Campervan

7. Home Base?

7.1. Goods Storage

7.2. Mail

7.3. Data storage box - do we have to leave it on to access it? Where can it live?

8. Souvenirs / collecting on the road

8.1. Budget

8.2. Type

8.3. Shipping

8.4. Goals

9. Why ?

10. Insurance

10.1. EU Health Card


10.2. Travel insurance

10.3. Auto insurance

10.4. Contents / gadgets insurance

10.5. Life insurance

11. Immunisations

11.1. NHS Free

11.2. Other

12. Gear / Supplies / Clothing

12.1. Standard

12.1.1. Rain gear

12.1.2. Second Camera

12.1.3. Suitcases

12.1.4. day packs

12.1.5. Sleeping bags / bag liners

12.2. Specialist

12.2.1. Hiking boots

12.2.2. Cold weather gear

12.2.3. Hiking poles

12.2.4. Trekking packs

12.3. Gadgets

12.3.1. Laptop / Tablet

12.3.2. Power packs - solar / mains

12.3.3. Phones / SIMS / Plans

12.4. Toys

12.4.1. Lego

12.4.2. Role play / figurines

12.4.3. Treasures

13. Decisions to make on the road

13.1. Where next

13.1.1. Fro how long

13.1.2. Why

13.1.3. When

14. Fitness / Preparation

14.1. Trekking

14.2. As Stamina

15. Winding down activities

15.1. Notify banks

15.2. Notify work

15.3. Cancel iPad data plan

15.4. Cancel gym membership

15.5. Cancel Little Gym

15.6. Cancel lease

15.7. Cancel utilities

15.8. Cancel internet

16. Flights