How can we make a successful Video Game?

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How can we make a successful Video Game? por Mind Map: How can we make a successful Video Game?

1. how would we code the game depending on the theme

2. how long would the game be

3. would the game have flashbacks

4. would the game be violent or not

5. would we take suggestions for the theme

6. what would the theme be for the game

7. will we have cut scenes

8. how long would each cut scene be

9. will we have chapters

10. how long will each chapter be

11. how long will it be

12. Length(n)

13. Themes(N)

14. how would you code different types of games

15. How much does a console cost

16. would the game be on more than one system

17. how do you code something

18. Is coding easy

19. How many systems are out there

20. What is a system

21. would the programer be paid for

22. what things would have to be paid for

23. will we have a budget

24. what would the budget be

25. Coding(T)

26. Budget(n)

27. System(T)