Media Convergence & Particpatory Culture

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Media Convergence & Particpatory Culture por Mind Map: Media Convergence & Particpatory Culture

1. Technology

1.1. Devices

1.1.1. Smartphone

1.1.2. Tablet

1.1.3. Laptop/ Desktop

1.1.4. TV

1.1.5. Gaming Console

1.2. Money

1.2.1. Money detemines whether or ot a person has access to these social media platforms and too specfic devices.

2. Engagement

3. Generation

3.1. Age

3.1.1. We all have access to technology, but it is up to the individual on how they engage with it.

4. Geography

4.1. All continents

4.2. Cultures

4.2.1. Memes

4.2.2. Parodies

5. Language

5.1. Language connects everyone in the world geographically and can be translated by our technology and we can have pen pals.

5.2. Slang words

6. Platforms

6.1. News

6.1.1. CNN

6.1.2. Fox

6.1.3. CBS

6.2. Social Media

6.2.1. Twitter

6.2.2. Facebook

6.2.3. AIM

6.2.4. Snapchat

6.2.5. Instagram Finsta

6.2.6. Tinder

6.3. Corporate

6.3.1. Apple

6.3.2. Windows

6.3.3. Samsung

7. Depending on the age group of of the generation also depends on the likelyhood of what social media platform they are most likely going to use.