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Self Portrait por Mind Map: Self Portrait

1. Successful Intelligence

1.1. Analytical Thinking Skills:40

1.1.1. Cause and Effect

1.2. Creative Thinking Skills:38

1.2.1. Be unique and question rules

1.3. Practical Thinking Skills:51

1.3.1. Problem solving and apply experiences in new situations

2. Emotional Intelligence

2.1. Above Average EIQ

2.1.1. Let my emotions get in the way of my work

2.1.2. Able to keep a level head and understand others

3. Teaching Styles

3.1. Hands-on Presentation

3.1.1. Demonstration, experiments, props, and activities

3.2. Detailed

3.2.1. Majority of time on big picture and details and facts

3.3. Visual Focus

3.3.1. Power point, diagrams, photos, or etc.

4. Study Strategies

4.1. Visual Spatial

4.1.1. Develop graphs

4.1.2. Use color coding in notes

4.2. Intrapersonal

4.2.1. Study in quiet

4.2.2. Reflect on information

4.3. Verbal Linguistic

4.3.1. Read text and highlight

4.3.2. Recite information

5. Interests

5.1. All genres of Music

5.2. Getting good grades and a(n) degree(s)

5.3. Ethics and Global relations

5.4. Hands on Creative Arts and crafts

6. Multiple Intelligences

6.1. Bodily Kinesthetic:18

6.2. Verbal Linguistic:19

6.3. Visual Spatial:17

6.4. Logical mathematical:14

6.5. Musical:21

6.6. Intrapersonal:18

6.7. Naturalistic:20

7. Personality Spectrum

7.1. Organizer:26

7.1.1. Responsibility, Neatnes, and thorough

7.2. Adventurer:24

7.2.1. Courageous, Hands on

7.3. Giver:27

7.3.1. Successful, Negotiation, Promotion of peace

7.4. Thinker:29

7.4.1. Solving Problems, Analytical, abstract thinking


8.1. Realistic:18

8.2. Investigative:30

8.2.1. Searching for facts

8.2.2. Figuring out problems

8.3. Artistic:27

8.3.1. Creative in their work

8.3.2. Work can be done without following a set of rules

8.4. Social:29

8.4.1. Helping & being of service

8.4.2. Teaching

8.4.3. Giving Advice

8.5. Enterprising:17

8.6. Conventional:13

9. Building Success

9.1. Moderate Auditory & visual

9.2. Moderate Analytic/Global

9.3. Integrated Reflective

9.4. Prefer Bright Environment

9.5. Prefer Late Morning/Early Afternoon

9.6. Externally Motivated & Single Task

9.7. Alone More Prefered