Eukaryotic Gene Expression

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Eukaryotic Gene Expression por Mind Map: Eukaryotic Gene Expression

1. Prokaryotic Gene Expression

1.1. Transcription of DNA into mRNA

1.2. Translation

1.2.1. Ribosomes translates mRNA into unstructured protein in nucleus

1.3. Protein is unfolded

1.4. Protein is folded

2. Control Mechanism in Gene Expression

2.1. Transcriptional

2.2. Posttranscriptional

2.3. Translational

2.4. Posttranslational

3. Chemical

3.1. Chemical modifications to the histones and DNA influence chromatin and gene expression

3.1.1. DNA Methylation Addition of a methyl (CH3) group to the DNA strand itself, often to the fifth carbon atom of a cytosine ring

3.1.2. Histone Acetylation b

4. Nucleus

4.1. Chromatin Modification

4.2. Gene Available

4.3. DNA

4.3.1. Transcription

4.4. RNA

4.4.1. RNA Splicing

4.5. mRNA

4.5.1. Exported From the Nucleus and into the Cytoplasm

5. Cytoplasm

5.1. mRNA

5.1.1. Translation Initiation Elongation Termination

5.2. Protein Processing

5.2.1. Chemical Modification

5.3. Protein Transport

5.3.1. Degradation of protein

5.3.2. Proteins move throughout the Golgi

5.4. Protein Function within cell