Echo lost her voice and in her pain fell in love with Narcissus who didn't requite her love.

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Echo lost her voice and in her pain fell in love with Narcissus who didn't requite her love. por Mind Map: Echo lost her voice and in her pain fell in love with Narcissus who didn't requite her love.

1. Zeus takes advantage of Echo talking to Hera to sneak off to his affair with another nymph.

2. Hera is furious with both Echo and Zeus. As punishment she takes away Echo's most prized possession, her voice.

3. Narcissus, a beautiful nymph is made to love himself as punishment for his inability to quench his desire for himself. Consequently he kills himself

3.1. Ameinius, a man who falls in love with Narcissus kills himself to prove his love who also left unrequited. Before he dies he asks for vengeance on Narcissus

3.2. Artemis, the goddess of the wild, hears Ameinius's pleas and causes Narcissus to fall in love with himself.