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Sarah Marsh por Mind Map: Sarah Marsh

1. O*Net MyNextMove

1.1. Realistic 7

1.1.1. Career Interest Vet Animal caretaker

1.2. Investigative 10

1.2.1. Career Interest FBI Worker

1.3. Artistic 36

1.3.1. Career Interest Singer/Songwriter Painter Makeup/ Cosmetology

1.4. Social 9

1.4.1. Career Interest Salesperson Teacher

1.5. Enterprising 16

1.5.1. Career Interest Art Director or Leader Chef/Head cook

1.6. Conventional 1

1.6.1. Career Interest Mail Carrier

2. Multiple Intelligence Assessments

2.1. Highest

2.1.1. Musical - 23

2.1.2. Bodily-Kinesthetic -19

2.1.3. Intrapersonal -19

2.1.4. Verbal-Linguistic -18

2.2. Lowest

2.2.1. Naturalistic -15

2.2.2. Logical-Mathematical -10

2.2.3. Visual-Spatial -13

2.2.4. Interpersonal -13

3. Personality Spectrum

3.1. Highest

3.1.1. Adventurer- 27

3.1.2. Organizer- 22

3.2. Lowest

3.2.1. Thinker -19

3.2.2. Giver-18

4. Building Excellence Learning Styles

4.1. Environmental Preferences

4.1.1. Lighting: Light also does not affect me much, I prefer a soft white light but I work well regardless of the light.

4.1.2. Temperature: Although I prefer a cooler setting to a warm one, I can work easily in either.

4.1.3. Formal Seating: I have a moderate preference for sitting at a desk or library table

4.1.4. Sound: Sound is a non essential element and does not affect me one way or another, although I do enjoy listening to video game music as it is made to keep you focused and alert.

4.2. Psychological Preferences

4.2.1. Analytical/ Global: I use an Integrated approach and can process information using either way.

4.2.2. Reflective/Impulsive: It depends; I use both elements interchangeably

4.3. Emotional Elements

4.3.1. More Structure : I have a moderate preference towards more structure. and tend to work better according to original methods.

4.3.2. Externally Motivated: It depends on the work, but I am moderately motivated when I get feedback from others.

4.3.3. Conformity: Fitting in is not a very big issue with me and I can often go either way, depending on which way has more benefits to me.

4.3.4. Single Task Persistent: I have a moderate preference for being single task oriented and I prefer finishing one thing before starting another.

5. Prefered Teaching Styles

5.1. Hands on Presentation: I enjoy this kind of learning as most kinds of hands on activities help me remember important things better.

5.2. Logical Presentation: I find this kind of presentation easy to learn from as the teacher explains and organizes the material into sequenced order, so you understand how everything fits together.

5.3. Lecture with group discussion: I also learn well form this kind of teaching style, you can discuss certain points that were hard to understand or you want to learn more about: I also like how you can hear everybody's special opinion on the subject.

6. Successful Intelligence Assessment Results

6.1. Practical Thinking - 26%

6.2. Creative Thinking - 28%

6.3. Analytical Thinking - 17%

7. Emotional Intelligence Assessment

7.1. Overall Score EQ score = 110 Percentile score = 77

7.2. Social Competencies (score: 52)

7.3. Drive (score: 51)

7.4. Emotional Competencies (score: 52)

7.5. Stress Management (score: 51)

7.6. Self-Regard (score: 52)

7.7. · You have a strong sense of self-worth and self-respect · You are generally comfortable expressing your emotions, but there may be circumstances when you are not · You can handle some emotionally intense situations or people, but are not entirely at ease · You are reasonably flexible and are generally open to other people's ideas and opinions · You are generally capable of setting sensible goals

8. Personal Values Assessment

8.1. Control 1

8.2. Financial Stability 1

8.3. Wealth 1

8.4. Acheviment 3

8.5. Ambition 3

8.6. Being the best 3

8.7. Excellence 3

8.8. Power 3

8.9. Reward 3

8.10. Creativity 5

9. Values

9.1. Excellence

9.2. Power

9.3. Acheviement

9.4. Reward

9.5. Wealth

10. Interests

10.1. Watercolor and Acrylic Painting

10.2. Reading

10.3. Singing and listening to music

10.4. Culinary arts

10.5. Playing Guitar

10.6. Making costumes

10.7. Making Jewelry

10.8. Swimming

10.9. Makeup Art

11. Preferred Study Strategies

11.1. Adventurer

11.1.1. Take hands on approach to learning

11.1.2. Use games or puzzles to help learn

11.2. Organizer

11.2.1. Define tasks and schedule the due dates

11.2.2. Use a Planner

11.3. Musical/Rhythmic

11.3.1. Singing or chanting the facts or concepts

11.3.2. creating rhythms out of paragraphs or sections.

11.4. Bodily- Kinsthetic

11.4.1. Pacing or tapping a beat as I learn

11.4.2. walking or moving to help me concentrate