Event "Whether Report"

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Event "Whether Report" por Mind Map: Event "Whether Report"

1. Speaker

1.1. Who

1.2. Bio

1.3. Available before/after

2. Sponsor

3. Logistics

3.1. Time of day

3.2. What to wear

3.3. Location

3.4. Parking

3.5. Price

4. Who attends

5. Networking buddy

6. Weather

7. Goal

8. Host

9. Attendees

9.1. Clients

9.2. Prospects

9.3. Competitors

9.4. Quantity

9.5. Quality

10. Networking

10.1. Time

10.2. Structured

11. Industry

12. Board members

13. Cameo

14. Who invited you?

15. Source: The Networking Survival Guide by Diane Darling