Top 10 tips on choosing your online text analysis tool.

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Top 10 tips on choosing your online text analysis tool. por Mind Map: Top 10 tips on choosing your online text analysis tool.

1. A summary of an insightful presentation by Anna Tomkowicz, Freshminds UK

2. Check which areas your tool is monitoring

3. Check how the tool recognises location or nationality

4. How recent is your data?

5. Make sure you have clear business objectives before you commit to online text analytics

6. Automated sentiment analysis is difficult

7. Emerging topics are sensitive to search

8. Don't try to distil the analysis to a single metric

9. Use multiple data sources & robust sampling techniques

10. Tools change each week: Stay abreast of developments and changes. Maintain contact with the providers

11. Challenge the findings

12. This was taken from the excellent #newMR online conference