It`s wrong to photo shop celebrities

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It`s wrong to photo shop celebrities por Mind Map: It`s wrong to photo shop celebrities

1. It makes people try to be like celebrities when the celebrities do not look like the that

1.1. ¨You ever had a zit or felt too big or too whatever otherwise why give these unrealistic facts about beauty¨ (¨is it wrong to photo shop celebrities¨)

1.1.1. and so is this

2. It tricks people

2.1. it makes the people think they look like that

2.1.1. Example

3. this is photo shopped

3.1. ¨On this months cover you made jennifer lawrence look way skinnier than she does in her movies¨ (¨is it wrong to photo shop celebrities¨)

4. It makes people starve there self or worse just to make them look like a celebrity does not even look like that