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Problem por Mind Map: Problem

1. Product

1.1. Limited size

1.1.1. No children size

1.1.2. Only two size : M&L

1.2. Design

1.2.1. no differentiate between women and men

1.3. limited choice of colour

1.3.1. not fashionable

1.4. Target customer less

1.4.1. only aldut

2. Price

2.1. Expensive

2.1.1. Low and medium income consumer can't afford

2.2. no price range

2.2.1. No price differentiate between man and women

3. Place

3.1. Limited stores

3.2. It did not target global market

3.3. Did not provide online store

4. Promotion

4.1. No digital promotion

4.2. Limited advertising plat form

4.2.1. no billboard

4.2.2. no bus advertising

4.3. Advertising not clear

4.3.1. product features did not meet customer expectation.