The financial statements

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The financial statements por Mind Map: The  financial  statements

1. They are financial statements

1.1. The Balance

1.1.1. Show a balance between spending and production

1.1.2. Shows the productivity of the company what is your function Its objective is to keep the company balanced to avoid crises,Allowing the company to keep its financial statement clear, is a tool capable of deciphering if the company can achieve success.

1.1.3. Shows the different financial changes

1.2. The income statements

1.2.1. The current state of the company

1.2.2. The positive and negative states of the financial situation it's divide in The statements of changes The statements of cash

1.2.3. Shows projection to the future changes that can present the company

1.3. The financial notes

1.3.1. Finally the notes summarize the current accounting information of the company, this facilitates its understanding and its fast of understanding to be able to act according to the results obtained. Thanks to these financial statements we can have an extra follow up to each movement or change that has our company this will be a great advantage to know its state, and to be able to react in time

2. Are the factors responsible for showing the financial status of a company