Male Stereotypical Roles In Film

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Male Stereotypical Roles In Film por Mind Map: Male Stereotypical Roles In Film

1. Strong Independant Hero

1.1. Good Looking

1.2. Emotional Stable

1.3. Heterosexual

1.4. Open

2. Mysterious

2.1. Looks Are Hidden

2.2. Deep Voice

2.3. Elusive

2.4. Powerful

3. Emotional Wreck

3.1. Druged

3.2. Self-Destructive

3.3. Angry

3.4. Contradictve

4. Homosexual

4.1. Very Feminine

4.2. Camp

4.3. Dresses Well

4.4. Works Out

5. The Joker

5.1. Funny

5.2. Popular

5.3. Takes things lightly

6. The Jock

6.1. Strong

6.2. Aggressive

6.3. Adored by women