Physics of a Road Trip

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Physics of a Road Trip por Mind Map: Physics of a Road Trip

1. Vector Quantity

1.1. Displacement

1.1.1. Δd (or d) = d1 - do

1.2. Acceleration

1.2.1. Average acceleration ā =Δv/Δt = v1 - vo / t1 - to

1.2.2. Instantaneous acceleration

1.2.3. Constant Acceleration Velocity with constant acceleration (Free fall) v = vo + at Final position with constant acceleration d = do + vot + 1/2at2

1.2.4. m/s^2

1.3. Velocity

1.3.1. Average Velocity ⊽ =Δd/Δt = d1 - do / t1 - to

1.3.2. Instantaneous velocity

1.3.3. Constant Velocity Final velocity with constant acceleration v2 = vo2 + 2ad Position with constant velocity d = do + vt

1.3.4. m/s

1.4. Force

1.4.1. Net force

1.4.2. N (Newtons)

1.5. Slope

1.5.1. rise / run

1.6. Has direction and measurement

2. Scalar Quantity

2.1. Time

2.1.1. Minutes, Seconds, Hours

2.2. Time Interval

2.2.1. Δt (or t) = t1 - to

2.3. Speed

2.4. Macroscopic object

2.5. Distance

2.5.1. Length

2.6. Weight

2.6.1. Mass: Grams, Kilograms

2.7. No direction and has magnitude

3. Models

3.1. Particle model

3.1.1. 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.1.2. 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.1.3. 0 0 0 0 0 0

3.2. Free body Diagram

4. CCC's Cards

4.1. Green Cards: How to think

4.1.1. Crosscutting Concepts

4.1.2. Systems Systems Models

4.2. Blue Cards: How to do

4.2.1. Science and Engineering Practices

4.2.2. Developing and Using Models

4.2.3. Analyzing and Interpreting Data