Multiplication Version 4

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Multiplication Version 4 por Mind Map: Multiplication Version 4

1. Multiplication Stacks

2. Pattern Blocks

2.1. To model multiplication patterns

3. Section of the order of operations (PEMDAS)

4. Area Concept

5. Levels of Cognitive Demand

5.1. Low Cognitive Demand

5.2. High Cognitive Demand

6. Cartesian Product

6.1. Determining the number of possible combinations

7. The opposite of division

8. Properties of Multiplication

8.1. Commutative Property

8.1.1. a x b=b x a

8.2. Distributive Property

8.2.1. 5 x (4+3) ---> (5 x 4) + (5 x 3)

8.3. Associative Property

8.3.1. (a x b) x c = a x (b xc )

9. Area Model

10. Near Facts

11. Estimation

12. Fractions

12.1. Greatest Common Factor

12.2. Least Common Factor

12.3. Common Denominator

13. Division

14. Single Digit Multiplication

14.1. Double Digit Multiplication

14.1.1. Multi-Digit Multiplication 120 x 112 = 13,440

14.1.2. 20 x 16 = 260

14.2. 5 x 5= 25

15. Fact Families

15.1. 7 × 5 = 35 5 × 7 = 35 35 ÷ 5 = 7 35 ÷ 7 = 5 35 = 7 × 5

15.1.1. Compensating

16. Number Talks

16.1. Number Sense

16.2. Place Value

16.3. Fluency

16.4. Properties

16.5. Connecting Mathematical Ideas

17. Symbols for the process (x, *, etc.)

18. Algorithms

18.1. Standard Algorithm of multiplication

18.2. Invented Strategies

18.2.1. Doubling and Halving

18.2.2. Partial Products

18.2.3. Breaking Factors into Smaller Factors

18.2.4. Landmark/ "Friendly" Numbers

18.2.5. Skip Counting, Repeated Addition Unifix Cubes Base Ten Blocks

19. Arrays

20. Hidden Zeroes

21. Doubles

21.1. Near Doubles

22. Finger Multiplication

23. Base Ten Blocks

23.1. Using base ten blocks to represent the numbers in a multiplication problem

23.2. Using base ten blocks to construct an array

23.2.1. Using the fewest number of base ten blocks in an array