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Assessment por Mind Map: Assessment

1. True/False

2. Gap Filling

3. Multiple Choice

4. Selecting a response

4.1. Contrived

4.1.1. Recall/Recognition Teacher Structured

5. Examples

6. Conventional method of testing that usually produces a written document

7. Definition

8. District Assessments

9. End of Term/Semester Exams

10. End of Unit tests

11. State Mandated Testing

12. Examples:

13. Evaluate the students learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it to some standard or benchmark.

14. Definition:

15. Summative

16. Traditional

17. Think-Pair-Shair

18. Exit Ticket

19. Observations

20. Discussusions

21. Interviews

22. Journals

23. 3-2-1 Countdown

24. Process of gathering evidence of student learning.

25. Definition:

26. Examples

27. More than paper and pencil

27.1. Engaging

27.1.1. Higher Level Thinking Peformance

28. Examples:

29. Formative

30. Authentic