First Church of the Nazarene

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First Church of the Nazarene por Mind Map: First Church of the Nazarene

1. 3167 S. 10th St Independence, KS 37601

2. with Romanesque or Greek overlays

2.1. Georgian Style Architecture

3. Constructed in 1986

4. Church Landscaping

4.1. Church Aerial Map

5. Church founded August 11, 1926

6. Exterior Description of Architecture

6.1. Tetrastyle porch

6.2. High arched windows

6.3. Columns that give a hierarchical feel

6.4. Church looks upon the landscape like a beacon of light offer hope and peace to the community

6.5. Located 2 miles south of town in a farming/rural housing area

7. Who and What is valued

7.1. Family Life Center

7.2. Children / Teen / Family Ministries

7.3. Discipleship/Library

8. Wesleyan / Armenian Holiness Theology

9. Faithful to the Mission of the Global Church of the Nazarene "Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations"

10. Interior Description of Architecture

10.1. Fan Shaped Layout: Back

10.2. Fan Shaped Layout: Side

10.3. Decorations that define us

10.4. Stain Glass mural

10.4.1. Accent peices

11. Church's Function

11.1. Preach the Word

11.2. Share in the Scarements

12. Meaning: To be a church whose vision is to "Come, Know, Grow, & Go"

12.1. Living out the Great Commission as our Christian history has shared before us

12.1.1. Indy Naz engages it culture by being apart of it but not of it. We do this by loving our neighbors, providing for the poor and needy, and being a beacon of hope to a hopeless community.