Indesign forms

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Indesign forms por Mind Map: Indesign forms

1. radio buttons

1.1. either/or

2. check boxes

2.1. square shape

2.2. convert to interactive

2.3. default on

2.3.1. check for off

2.4. name

2.5. description

2.6. copy / paste

2.7. customising graphic

2.7.1. change appearance need do this before anchoring

3. create frames/objects

3.1. start with text frame (master

3.2. object styles

3.2.1. styles based on default

3.3. embed into text

3.3.1. anchored

3.4. convert into interactive form elements

3.4.1. rename based on label

3.4.2. moving form elements issue of cut and paste use story editor when cutting to clipboard

3.5. text fields

4. create a library

4.1. file > new > library

4.2. create new lib file - form elements

4.3. drag selected - elements

5. tab order

5.1. need to re-order when mixed up

5.2. small dialog box

5.2.1. select and drag / move up

5.3. test in PDF

6. export as interactive PDF

7. signature field

7.1. change existing text field

7.2. how it works

7.2.1. allows digital signature