SCT 4.0

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SCT 4.0 por Mind Map: SCT 4.0

1. Resources

1.1. Project Manager

1.1.1. Zac Liu

1.2. Team Members

1.2.1. Fulynn Wang

1.2.2. Mika Jou

1.2.3. Member1

1.2.4. Member2

1.3. Core User

1.3.1. Gil Wu

2. Skill

2.1. Angular2

2.2. C#

2.3. .net Core

2.4. Oracle

3. Schedule

3.1. Phase 1: RF to Android ??~??

3.1.1. RF.WCF

3.1.2. PDA

3.2. Phase 2: SCT Portal and Maintenance Tuning ??~??

3.2.1. Web SCT Portal Architecture BVCS WH Picking SMT Label

3.3. Phase 3: VB6 Program Upgrade ??~??

3.3.1. Top Priorities

3.3.2. Medium Priorities

3.3.3. Low Priorities

3.4. Phase 4: 2003/2008 Upgrade ??~??

3.4.1. Top Priorities

3.4.2. Medium Priorities

3.4.3. Low Priorities

4. Tools

4.1. VS Code

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personnel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. VS 2010~15

4.3. PL/SQL

5. Overview

5.1. New Architecture and Old programs upgrade

5.2. Goals

5.3. Deliverables

6. Functions

6.1. BVCS

6.1.1. VB6

6.2. WHPicking

6.2.1. VB6

6.3. SMT Label

6.3.1. VB6

6.4. RF

6.5. PT Server

6.6. PRE Warning

6.7. Call off

6.8. Tower / Virtual Tower

6.9. RLC

6.10. MSDC

6.11. MBSN

6.12. RLC

6.13. Warehouse Storage(2S)

6.14. Reports

6.15. Solder Paste control

6.16. Stencil control

6.17. Feeder repair System

6.18. Squeegee Control

6.19. Suction block & Tools Control

6.20. Router machines

6.21. Dip Picking

6.22. X-ray reel counter

6.23. Forbid/Limit