Cigarette Smoking

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Cigarette Smoking por Mind Map: Cigarette Smoking

1. Cigarette

1.1. Tobacco

1.2. Vape/ e-cigarette

1.3. Cost

2. Demographic Factors of Smokers

2.1. Age

2.2. Education Level

2.3. Gender

2.4. Income Level

2.5. Marital Status

3. Addiction

3.1. Influence

3.1.1. Peer

3.1.2. Family

3.2. Smoker's Consumption

3.3. Period of Smoking

4. Effects of Smoking

4.1. Health Risks

4.1.1. Cancer

4.1.2. Death

4.1.3. Respiratory Infections

4.2. Behavior

4.3. Mental Ability

5. Advocacy and Campaigns Against Smoking

5.1. TV Commercials

5.2. Printed Media

5.2.1. Packaging

5.3. School Campaigns

5.4. Effect to Smokers

5.4.1. Quit

5.4.2. Reduced Consumption

5.4.3. Negative