Dramatic Arts in the Primary Classroom

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Dramatic Arts in the Primary Classroom por Mind Map: Dramatic Arts in the Primary Classroom

1. Promotes Play-based Learning - Play is the earliest form of learning.

2. Fosters Independent Learning Principles - Boosts confidence in all forms of communication.

3. Promotes unique learning experiences - students combine Ssensory Perceptions, the Affective Domain, the Kinetics domain with the Cognitive domain. This kind of learning involves the whole person.

3.1. Requires teacher enthusiasm

3.2. Requires Growth Mindset of teacher.

4. Primary means of building engaging classroom practices. Primary classroom management strategy.

4.1. Honouring Learning Intelligences

4.2. Inclusion (Student Voice)

5. Cross-Curricular Links - All curriculum content can be taught through Dramatic Arts.

6. Lasting Effect on students as Life Long Learners. The creative spontaneity skills students develop through drama, prepare them for real life unpredictable events.